Themenstruktur Autor Datum infoID
صفحة ميشلين      22 Okt. 03; 21:17   135581.1  
Ahlan wa sahlan Micha      22 Okt. 03; 21:32   135582.1  
RE: an farhana be zalk ya lotte      22 Okt. 03; 21:36   135584.1  
كيف ال حال ميثة؟      24 Okt. 03; 14:46   135798.1  
RE: كيفك لوتا      26 Okt. 03; 11:24   135875.1  
Ahlan wa sahlan Micha      22 Okt. 03; 21:33   135583.1  
pics for micha      03 Nov. 03; 22:21   136885.1  
dear micheline,
as requested i have put together a few pictures showing some of our joint activities in the last weeks. most of the pictures are from our visit to the restaurant after visiting sednaya:

this picture is showing you and you cousin mada:
micha and mada - 136881.1

umm selim is definitely enjoying very much her drink. this is one of my favorite pictures of umm selim:

umm selim enjoying her drink - 136879.1

and last not least, a picture from the birthday party you set up for me at umm selims house, and i remember well your gelee royale or whatever this laziza red t

... (mehr)


legend: - Autor; - Datum; - infoID;