Home > Glossary terms > kontextualisieren   
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Thema wechseln:

  Themenstruktur AutorIn Datum infoID
kontextualisieren      12 Sep. 05; 14:04   214221.1  
Include "kontextualisieren" in the glossary?      12 Sep. 05; 14:05   214222.1  
I would like to include the term "kontextualisieren" in our glossary.

Do you agree?

Angela disagrees      12 Sep. 05; 14:05   214223.1  
other words for "well grounded"      13 Sep. 05; 10:51   214317.1  
MH agrees      13 Sep. 05; 09:24   214292.1  

legend: - AutorIn; - Datum; - infoID;