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THU.  07-09-2017



Roadside Picknick - Пикник на обочине - Picknick am Wegesrand


interactive installation and durational performance of absence -






Thomas J. Jelinek (SE/AT) - artistic concept and direction


Jorge Sánchez-Ciong (VE/AT) – sound scape


present cooperation with:


Stefan Glasauer (DE), Max Hoffmann (US/DE), Margarete Jahrmann (AT), Marian Kaiser (DE), Peter Koger (AT), Lousie Linsenbolz (AT), Gerald Nestler (AT), Lucie Strecker (DE), Thomas Wagensommerer (AT)




TEAM: tech. support: Roman Harrer, Josef Knierzinger / production: Roma Janus





Postcity (Obergeschoß) Linz


07-09   12:00    opening installation

             20:00    performing presence


08-09  to 11-09

installation accessable every day 10:00  - 18:00

Landscape with traces of the H-theorem






The vast AREA is structured into zones with fragments, cryptic artefacts, apparatuses, objects and material memorial traces that have arisen in the course of the research. Thus setting an artificial mind-map in a landscape that reminds on dismal void that remains, when access to current technological communication systems is denied. Within this automated theater, passers-by have the possibility to interact with objects in performative situations, and to meet experts in order to design a common cognitive reality.


Roadside Picknick Area is slightly referring to the Novel of the Strugazki brothers. But leaving the story aside it only translates the situation and context to the present in the ARS electronica exhibition, forming an “unsecure” area, expanding the context of the novel, which is describing a harsh society around the alien zone. The installation hints to feedback loops between man and machine falling under the imperative of an instrumentally rational, unreflected and technicist concept of intelligence under the conditions of "hard capitalism".


At present considering the upcoming sharing culture and hyper-communication networking, being digitally supported by technical devices and Apps, becoming depersonalised on one hand and restricted on the other, not only by access- and PIN-codes but by the automated registration-systems based on bank accounts and credit-cards. In this brave new system the individual has to be able afford the access to the community through the system to be part of it. So we have to discuss the growing, new exclusion zones which merge from geographical to inherent areas inside the society.


At the same time it is taking up the present discussion on information processing, and system navigation offering test objects for assozitive recognition of situations constituting our general and dayly life reality.


You only see, what you know.



























ENTROPY is an international, transdisciplinary research project on entropic processes. In the course of a 2-year discourse process, artists and scientists have followed the traces of the famous "H-Theorem" of thermodynamic theory in collaborative settings. The process has materialized in various installations and performances and has been condensed into artistic-scientific labs and a contemporary opera. In the ROADSIDE PICKNICK AREA, it is spread out as a walkable media landscape of current entropic discourses. The empty surface is structured by the fragments, artefacts, apparatuses, objects and material memorial traces that have arisen in the course of the research. Thus setting an artificial mind-map. Within this automated theater, passers-by have the possibility to interact with objects in performative situations, and to meet experts in order to design a common cognitive reality.



The interactive audio-visual media-installation follows the traces of the H-theorem, in the form of a staged mind map of 4D-encrypted information, like an inside vision of an active brain – containing artifacts, performances, speech acts and objects developed and created in a 2-year discourse process involving artists, scientists and other experts.


Thus different aspects are materialized in specific areas, as stations or argumentative islands, within the walkable installation-landscape, approximate to the different cognitive zones within a human brain.

At certain time slots, the various stations are populated by experts, as performing protagonists and dialogue partners.


The active presence of the audience, exploring the landscape and invited to communicate with the experts and their machines, creates a resonant space that physically reflects intelligent processes to construct a reality.
















NOMAD in cooperation with:




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supported by:


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