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> Lost in Politics <                                     



Lerna Babikyan (Tür) & Regina Picker (A) and Guests


 Wednesday / Mittwoch



Lost_in_Politics - 1536514.1  



A performance as closing event of the Residency - project:

Lost in Politics in LABfactory following up the first phase of the project

in Turin / Italy.



The project “Lost in politics” focuses on the cultural exchange between Turkey

and Austria and is a direct response to the political campaigns regarding

the mayoral selection in October 2010, where immigrants especially from turkey

became a central point.



Honey&Mood Production


Residency Partners:   Artis Reiss Performative / Turin, 

                                   LABfactory / Vienna

bbalken - 277304.1 bbalken - 277304.1 bbalken - 277304.1


continuing with:
openLAB :: open end 

Thomas J. Jelinek

Sound ambience:

free entry
Eintritt frei




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