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Multiple permissions change

You can change at one step the permissions of a several facts or folders. In order to do so, please proceed as follows:


(1) Go to the Structure list or navigate to the containing folder.


multiple_permissions_change_1.png - 1600351.1


(2) Put a tick in the action checkbox next to each fact/folder which permissions you want to change.


(3) Click on the "change permissions" action control permissions_change_control.png - 1600353.1.


(4) Set the desired permissions.


multiple_permissions_2.PNG - 1600380.1


(5) Now you have two options:


(5.1) Set completely new permissions for the selected facts/folders without preserving the old ones. This will result in generating a new versions of the facts.


(5.2) Extend the existing permissions with "read" for other groups. This option will not generate new version of the facts.


(6) Click on "Publish".

AutorIn: Webservices factline 4; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Webservices factline 4 (factline4)
factID: 1600299.1; Publiziert am 03 Mai. 2011 18:23