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Typ Titel factID BearbeiterIn publiziert  
Thomas J. Jelinek Thomas J. Jelinek 5590797.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
Thomas J. Jelinek _ Thomas J. Jelinek _ 5590799.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
projects TJ projects TJ 5590801.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
projects TJ _ projects TJ _ 5590803.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
performance TJ performance TJ 5590805.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
performance TJ _ performance TJ _ 5590807.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
installations TJ installations TJ 5590809.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
installations TJ _ installations TJ _ 5590811.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
concept TJ concept TJ 5590813.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
concept TJ _ concept TJ _ 5590815.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
line line 5590819.1 TJJelinek 14 Jän. 2013
concept work concept work 5591053.1 TJJelinek 15 Jän. 2013
concept work _ concept work _ 5591055.1 TJJelinek 15 Jän. 2013