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List in Structure - Standart Template

In the service repositories and the structure, content is displayed in lists. You can adapt the organisation of these lists according to your wishes.


|1| Choose "Interface" from the main menu by clicking on it.

|2| Click on the "modify"-button in the row "Define list columns".

|3| Click on button "list" next to "Structure".

|4| There are two options: "Standart list" or "Thumbnail list". Choose "Standart list".

structure_lists.png - 208782.2

|5| The following table shows you all data available for display:

Define list columns - 1378506.1
|6| Decide which data (e.g. icon, title, infoID,...) should be displayed in the service list by clicking in the checkboxes in the column "Show?".

AutorIn: factline factline; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Webservices factline 4 (factline4)
infoID: 1378524.1; Publiziert am 30 Sep. 2009 17:05
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