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10.05.2008 open doors: 20:00  LIVE-STREAM start 21:00 Stream In press/play 23:30  
XLTerrestrials THE TRANSMIGRATION OF THE TELEPRESENT streaming performance In Co-Opertion with theSCREEN.tv, sonance.artistic.network und Press/Play in Detroit Moderation: Alexander Nikolić / Pod p Podinski DJ: Alexander Nikolić+ Pod p Podinski ( psychotronic ostblok mix )

April 26. Mai 15. 2008
WORLD-EX-POSITION ist gezeigter Partikel gegenwärtiger Prozesse. Zonen des künstlerischen wie diskursiven Transfers. Ansichten des Un/Möglichen - der Welt in einer Ausstellung. Ein openLAB in der LABfactory kombiniert mit und fortgesetzt in einer Ausstellung im OpenSpace. AUSSTELLUNG IN OPEN SPACE
XLTerrestrials (XLT) present The Transmigration Of The Telepresent, the 2nd installment of their unlicensed psychomedia analysis and interactive film program, a deconstructive art, social praxis, and tactical media forum which began with The Transmigration Of Cinema in 2005 to analyze and affect the new mass media landscape and what we call "virtual migration.
Today we are enraptured by a (primarily) military, corporate and venture capital invention, a digital network unleashed for civilian use at the end of the 80s. Www, the wonderous new technopoly that also brings good things to life (an old slogan of General Electric, a military contractor and TV broadcast conglomerate). Now at arts+tech exhibitions around the world there is quite a buzz about a telematicly-engaged society, much more so than even those Disneyesque Tomorrowland shows of yesteryear which hyped rocket ships and connections to life and planets beyond.
Is civilian technology now the dominant paradigm or is a gullible species being taken on another ride ?!
Dr. Podinsky and an XLT reconnaissance team will perform a magickal + cinematic vivisection of our increasingly disembodied user-culture. © Pod p Podinski
Bio/Profile: XLterrestrials are creatively situated in the vicinity of Craig Baldwin and the "Artist Television Access" project in San Francisco, an important platform for media activism in the United States. They are currently based in Berlin and working on two projects: For one in collaboration with Media Decompression Berlin, they are collecting and archiving political, experimental and underground film and video work from all over the world to be collected and made accessible in a web-based and-organized archive.
Pod p Podinksi is a media activist, art organism, dj, and co- founder of the XL Terrestrials, a praxis group for psychomedia analysis andvirtual exorcisms of the Military Entertainment Complex. With a background incommunications, film, and theater sound design, he has workedprimarily on the Indy frontiers in San Francisco and Berlin, contributing bothaudio, texts, film work, and tactical media applications to both art +realworld events like Next 5 Minutes, No Border Camps, Ars Electronica, WTO,G8, and a variety of local culture reclamations.
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