In the p-admin interface you can determine which user groups should be
able to use the text editor "epoz-facttext" (see chapter "Working with epoz-facttext editor")
In order to set permissions for "epoz-facttext", proceed as follows::
|1| Choose "" from the main menu by clicking on it.
|2| Click on the "perm"-button in the row "Epozfacttext".
|3| Now, you see a list of all available groups.
|4| Choose group(s) by clicking in the checkboxes:
access + write
These groups are allowed to use the text editor "epoz-facttext".
|5| Save your settings by clicking on the button "set permissions".
Moreover, you can determine which text input mode should be used as a standard.
In order to determine a standard text input mode, proceed as follows:
|1| Choose "Services" from the main menu by clicking on it.
|2| Click on the "perm"-button in the row "Epozfacttext".
|3| Now, you are offered three possibilities:
plain text input (default)
If a user creates content, the plain text input mode is used automatically.
If required, users can switch to another mode - provided they are allowed to do so.
epoz rich text editor
a user creates content, the text editor "epoz-facttext" is
automatically loaded - provided the respective user is permitted
to use the text editor (see above!). If required, users can switch to
another mode - provided they are allowed to do so.
facttext editor
If a user creates content, the text editor "facttext" is
automatically loaded - provided the respective user is permitted to use
the text editor.
If required, users can switch to another
mode - provided they are allowed to do so. |
|5| Save your settings with the button "Save options".

In the settings, users can choose for themselves which text input mode they want to use.