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Only recently a new PEW Internet & American Life Projekt report was published: 28% of Online Americans Have Used the Internet to Tag Content (PDF). I'm actually surprised by that fast adoption. But as it is tagging supports the organization and findability, and the networking of digital information more easily than the traditional classification schemes that are deeply routed in the (physical) lack of space concept. Tagging is surly more individual and has different intentions than a conventional classification. First of all it lets the individual decide on how to classify objects second it aggregates those tags and objects and supports an exchange of concepts that ends up in some dynamic taxonomy.
Hence we will see a different adoption in enterprises that are cautiously opening up their information space to individual and social information management. On the other hand since there is an ongoing pressure to be more competitve enterprises need be creative and innovative. And again information management is the mother of all innovation. Efficiency (at many levels) is not a nice to have but a must and if tagging can help you need to make use of it.
factline is going to integrate a tagging mechanism into its platform that will deliver the comfort and efficiency of tagging by combining it with the structuring needs of organizations. More on that later.
factID: 280843.1; Publiziert am 06 Feb. 2007 10:13