

fragmented city 02

starting time 19:00


19:00 |
Start Parcours
meet your guides - go on tour
see destinations 
Real-simulation of the Underground City and journey through the city without city
Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom
19:30 |
Parcour-Station artLAB |
If I got a Macrophage
Basing on a preceding study by immunologist about gestures, this work will explorate infiltration, resistance and assimilation. A reconstructed immunologic laboratory with its requisite, protagonists, their gestures and spoken metaphors will become a playground for dislocating meanings. The bodies of the immunologists negotiate their autonomy from the opposing language through gestures. The notions of space and order in immunologic systems will be rearranged. War, politics, architecture, urban sociology and the media appear as models. Differences between scientific texts and bodily gestures will be scenically investigated in order to make the immunologic tactics and strategies visible. The immunologic themes will be detached from their familiar, operative functions and extended towards a wider psycho-cultural and social field beyond immunology.
text and concept: Klaus Spiess, Medical University Vienna / Public Health, Vienna
Performer: live: Katharina Meves (D)
Salka Ardal Rosengren, Mikko Hyvönen, -
P.A.R.T.S Graduates, Brüssel
direction: Lucie Strecker, Berlin
20:15 |
start discourse |
discourse / symposium
underground state 1
State of Sabotage
Robert Jelinek / SABOTAGE and Paul Poet
Moderation Jan Deck / Thomas J. Jelinek |
Robert Jelinek
ist ein österreichischer Künstler. Er arbeitet international seit 1990 als vom Kunstbetrieb unabhängiger Künstler in den Bereichen Bildende Kunst, Olfaktorik und elektronische Musik. 2003 wurde SoS (State of Sabotage) durch den Künstler Robert Jelinek auf der Insel Harakka vor Helsinki vor großen Publikum ins Leben gerufen. 2004 wurde begonnen, diplomatische Beziehungen zu anderen Staaten aufzubauen, später wurde eine eigene Währung eingeführt und bei der Weltbank eingereicht
Paul Poet, a Styrian director and author for movie, TV and theatre, art journalist, media researcher who lives and works in Vienna.
After a childhood abroad in a war zone and a long eventful past in the punk- and music-scene of Vienna, he shot his first short film with international rock-prominence such as Melvins and Neurosis.
In 2000 he directed the first internet film festival of Europe and designed the online part of Christoph Schlingensiefs historical Container-Action at the Wiener Festwochen. The resulting documentary film Ausländer Raus! Schlingensiefs Container (Throw out the Foreigners! Schlingensief’s Container) became an international success and was granted awards in the film festivals of Houston and Toronto.
His second big film production Empire Me will be premiered in 2011. He prepares his first feature film Der Minusmann (The Minusman).
21:00 |
L.A.E. Labin Art Express / Dean Zahtila
L.A.E. gastro - performance |
'CO/AL' is an interactive Underground City story telling ‘cell’, mixed media (music/video/dance/gastronomy) installation which does only exist and work with the physical presence of a public consuming magic Istrian food and divine vines. The installation tells fragmentary stories, from the history of the region and the mine, through the present time to the future as a beautiful (brave) new world. Instead of PUSH THE BUTTON - PULL THE LEVER - GET A RESULT concept, participant has to engage the whole body to generate his/her point of view, in that way instantly overriding the passivity which tends to accompany most of new media participation. CO/AL was conceived to address a number of complexities relative to technology, displacement of economies and populations, disparity of dialects and history, as well as the place of art & culture within these factors. Istria with the labin coalmine serves as a perfect illustration of the potentiality and pitfalls of current societal trends within the EUROPEAN sphere. All the elements are there: early globalisation and displacement of diverse populations, economic exploitation followed by construction of the bew cities, industrial and technological development, as well as subsequent abandonment of industrial buidings and infrastructure. Mystery of historic changes, inversion of a movement of Being - ex-se / in-se, and hidden collectively unconscious “aims” of time/history are nowadays looking for ingenious artists/explorers/entrepreneurs.
conzept: Dean Zahtila installation: D. Zahtila & Sanja Svrljuga music and performance: Steve Buchanan
21:30 |
Joonas Lahtinen
> trackings <
performance |

trackings © Manuel Vason
Trackings is a performance about travelling, searching, remembering, imagining, and trying to locate ”home” in a foreign city – what makes ”a home”, is it a mental state or a physical place, memories attached to material objects and events, or perhaps all of these?
Inspired by the concept of the ”flâneur”, the ”stroller” who walks the city in order to experience it, the term was originally conceived by Charles Baudelaire and later revisited by many sociologists, philosophers and artists such as Georg Simmel, Walter Benjamin, the Situationists, Michel de Certeau, and Francis Alÿs, among many others.
In trackings, I play with the idea of flâneur and storytelling: instead of offering a complete dramatic story-line, I aim to stimulate the spectators' thinking apparatus by creatively combining my actual observations and encounters, imagined events and memories into a rather fragmentary set of performance acts.

Joonas Lahtinen (* 1984) is a Finnish performance artist and researcher living in Vienna. He holds an MA degree in Performance from Queen Mary, University of London and has also graduated as Master of Theatre Research from the University of Helsinki. He is currently exploring relationships between identity construction, nationality and city life.Since 1994, he has performed in various theatre and TV productions in Finland, among them in Georg Büchner’s Leonce and Lena, Agota Kristof’s The Notebook, Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange, Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts and in the Eurovision Song Contest 2007. During the last few years, he has concentrated on his solo performance projects such as S/HE Triptych, Neurosis, and >trackings<.
Janek Turkowski |
performance |
In 2005 I became fascinated by a phenomenon of mass publishing of "intimate" statements and diaries in the Internet.
Sudden appearance of great amount of blogs reminded of the past popularity of silva rerum – Latin for "forest of things" – a literary genre popular in Poland in the sixteenth century. Silvae were commonly kept by weathly noblemen who created collections of texts on variety of subjects, written "live". They documented unique everyday life of their authors.
In July 2008 I accidentally became an owner of several amateur films of a German woman living close to the Polish border. Immediately, I got captivated by the matter of the celluloid reels. In May 2010 I started to present it to the audience. The films will be displayed from multimedia and 8mm projectors. I will also tell the story of finding these film reels.
Theater Nestroyhof Hamakom
23:00 |
underground cinema
films + clips

a small cinema is an installative fragment of Underground City at the Theater Nestroyhof. The programme is to be anounced and will be available on each respective evening with the tour guides and at the box office.
f l u c
0:00 |
Joke Lanz / Sudden Infant + Brigitte Wilfing

Video Psychotic Einzelkind

FM Einheit (alias Mufti) ist der Künstlername von Frank-Martin Strauß, vermutlich am besten bekannt als Mitglied der Einstürzende Neubauten, Klangforscher und Produzent.
Seit 1979, dem Abbruch der Schulausbildung, ist er als Musiker in verschiedenen Gruppen und Soloprojekten tätig. 1983-84 lebte er in London, danach in Berlin und Bayern. Anfangs war er Mitglied der Punkbands Abwärts und Palais Schaumburg. Ab Anfang der 1980er war er auch Perkussionist (Metallschlagzeug) und Langzeitmitglied bei den Einstürzenden Neubauten.
FM Einheit hat viel zum Sound von Einstürzende Neubauten beigetragen und war, neben Blixa Bargeld, eine der dominanten Persönlichkeiten in dieser Gruppe. Außerdem war er 1981 am Festival Geniale Dilletanten in Berlin beteiligt. FM Einheit ist darüber hinaus Teil von Vladimir Estragon und Produzent u. a. von KMFDM und Goethes Erben.
1984 spielte er neben Christiane Vera Felscherinow (“Christiane F.”) die Hauptrolle in dem Kino-Spielfilm “Decoder” (Regie: Muscha).
Ab dem Ende der 80er trat er vermehrt als Komponist von Schauspielmusik hervor, u. a. für Inszenierungen von Peter Zadek, Wolf Seesemann und Werner Schwab.
1990 erschien unter seinem Namen die CD Stein, eingespielt mit Ulrike Haage und Katharina Franck von den Rainbirds.
Als FM Einheit die Einstürzende Neubauten teilweise wegen der Streitigkeiten mit dem Frontman Blixa Bargeld verließ (Mitte der 1990er), hat er mit der dänischen Sängerin Gry zusammen gearbeitet. Sie haben zwei Alben veröffentlicht: The Touch Of E! (1999) und Public Recording (2001).
Für seine Hörspielarbeiten mit Andreas Ammer (u. a. Radio Inferno (1993), Acopalypse live (1994), Deutsche Krieger Tonträgeroper (1996) und Crashing Aeroplanes (2002)) wurde er mehrfach ausgezeichnet.