1. First you have to open your folder. 2.In the left column, click on „create a new fact“. (Please, note: All pieces of content on the platform are called „fact“.) or on "add" next to the folder`s title 3. A list of different fact-types opens. Choose „text“ from the list at the very top by clicking on it. 4. An input mask opens. Insert a title for your contact details. Type in "Pers: [name] [last name]" (example: Pers: Max Harnoncourt). The "Pers:" at the beginning of the title stands for "Person". It will make the search for contact details of a specific person much easier. 5. Now, you need to open the texteditor. Click on the "TinyMCE"-button below the text input field. Please be patient, as your browser will need some time to load the editor. 6. Now, you can begin to enter your contact details into the TinyMCE editor-window.
 (a) simple text entries First, enter some text (e.g. address, telephone number, short description of yourself) and try to format it. In order to format text, highlight the respective piece(s) of text and click on the appropriate button. (b) links to websites (external links) Now, create a link to a website (e.g. your homepage). Insert a linkname (e.g. "my homepage") and highlight it.Then, click the button marked with number 4 in the menu bar. A pop-up window opens where you can enter the URL of the website you want to link to. The button marked with 5 deletes the link. (c) links to other facts on the platform (internal links) Finally, create a link to another fact on the platform. A link to another fact on the platform is called "factlink". For practice, you can create a factlink to your project partner description. In order to do so, type "partner description" in the text input field and highlight it. Then, click on the "factlink"-button (number 1). 7. As soon as your text entry and formatting is complete, click “next >>”. 8. Now, you are asked to set permissions. Read-permitted users are only able to view the fact whereas modify-permitted users are also allowed to edit it. You will be offered a pre-selection which you can adapt according to your wishes if you want to. In order to adapt (add, reduce) permissions, simply click in the respective checkboxes. 9. A preview of your contact details is generated. (a) If you want to change anything, click “edit this fact” in the left column. (b) If you are satisfied with the preview, click “publish” otherwise nobody except you will see your contact details.You should be in your folder now. The pathline should show "Structure > Intern > Other material > Team > [your folder title]". Click “preview” to continue. This is the end of step 2 of our "5 steps to platform expertise" training programme. |