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Weblog is a word creation. It is made up of 'web' and 'logbook'. A weblog, or blog, is a particular method of publication for the web. It orders information chronologically. In other words, new entries are listed first followed by older entries in reverse chronological order. Nowadays, weblogs are frequently compared to electronic diaries. Usually weblogs offer readers the possibility to comment on entries and/or to discuss with the author. Weblogs are not restricted to certain topics. They are widely used to exchange private and business information.

Weblog on the FCS
Besides various content services, the FCS platforms also offer their users a weblog function. With a FCS-Weblog users can easily link to other platform facts (images, files, news,...), which is a major advantage.

The startpage of the weblog-service shows the ten most recent entries. All entries can be searched with the help of a calendar as well as the search function on the right side. Similar to other facts a weblog entry is created with the help of an Input mask. The input mask can be openend by clicking on "create a new fact" in the edit-box in the left frame.

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