Lotte Krisper-Ullyett business development / blended learning
In 2005 Lotte Krisper-Ullyett is in Berlin most of the time...
Kanzowstraße 3, 10439 Berlin
telephone: +49 30 44008266, mobile +49 160 99440631
...but also in Vienna on a regular basis:
M.A. Lotte Krisper-Ullyett was born on 28 October, 1966 in
Steyr. After her studies at the Institute for "Business Management" at
the University of Economics and Business Administration in Vienna and a
year at "Scientific Generics" in Cambridge, she worked at the news
agency "Reuters" for 5 years. In the beginning, she worked in Vienna in
the area of business information products for sales and marketing. In
1996, she moved to Moscow for half a year due to her good knowledge of
the Russian language. Her task was to close contracts with local and
regional newspapers in the former Soviet Union acting as data suppliers
for the "Reuters Business Briefing" database. After her return, she
continued with this task in Central and Eastern Europe, especially
Poland, Hungary, the Czech republic and Slovakia.
In 1999, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett founded factline Webservices
GmbH together with Max Harnoncourt and Franz del Fabro. Next to her
role as CEO and her sales activities, she established the business area
"Content Licensing"
and managed various consulting projects on knowledge management. At
present, she is in Berlin trying to prepare the ground for an expansion
to Germany with a special focus on e-learning.
Since 2001, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett has been a lecturer at the university
for applied sciences "Information and Knowledge Management" in
Eisenstadt. For her lectures, she uses the blended learning approach.
Moreover, she gives lectures at the university for applied sciences
Vienna in the field "Knowledge Management". She is also involved in the
project "entrepreneurship in the knowledge society" at the "Freie
Universität" in Berlin.
publications, lectures
Krisper-Ullyett L., Harnoncourt M., Meinl P. (2005): Keys to success
for virtual self-organised learning communities. In: Proceedigns of the
conference "Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2005", Dresden, 6.
- 7. October 2005.
read more (only available in German)
Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): Learning by Fooling (around). In:
Proceedings of Fourth Symposium for Information Design, Hochschule der
Medien, Stuttgart, 2. June 2005.
read more (only available in German)
Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): (Lifelong?) learning and knowledge rooms.
Vortragsreihe: MDC (Multimedia Design Center) Lernen und Lehren mit
Multimedia, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, 28. April 2005.
read more (only available in German)
Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): Knowledge management meets E-Learning.
Stammtisch Wissensmangement Berlin, Fraunhoferinstitut ISST, Berlin,
6.April 2005 19 p.m.
read more (only available in German)
Meinl P., Harnoncourt M., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): Guarantee of
existence for online information as a precondition for hyperlinked
e-portfolios. In: Auer M., Auer U. (Ed.), Proceedings of International
Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning Villach 2005. Kassel:
Kassel University Press.
read more
Harnoncourt M., Meinl P., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2004): Guarantee of
existence for digital information and its significance for webbased
knowledge work. In: Reich S. (Ed.), Tagungsband des 1. Österreichischen
Symposiums zum Thema Digital Content Engineering - Content-Plattformen
in Theorie und Praxis Salzburg. Linz: Trauner.
read more
Krisper-Ullyett L. (2004): The Game Lexicon as an example for
playful collaborative e-learning. Contribution to the "Games Based
Learning Workshops" (Note: This article was decorated by the SIG GLUE
Community under the synonym "The Fooling Game", And the Winner is....). Vienna: Technische Universität Wien, 3. Dezember 2004.
read more (only available in German)
Krisper-Ullyett L. (2003): Field report on the usage of discussion
platforms for preparation and supoprt of a workshop, university of
applied sciences Eisenstadt, Burgenland. In: Markowitsch J., Messerer
K., Prokopp K. (Hrsg.): Handbuch praxisorientierter Hochschulbildung.
Wien: Universitätsverlag.
read more (only available in German)