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How can I display the whole folder structure of the platform?

Basically there are two possibilities to display the whole folder structure of your platform:


  1. If you are P-admin on your plaftform, please open the P-admin interface and log in. Then click onto "Interfaces". You now see all boxes you can use on your platform. Click the checkbox "displayed", if you want to show the box on your platform. With "opened" you appoint if this box should be displayed open. Please fix for which group(s) you want to make this box visible.

    To close your changes, click onto "Save configurations" .

    Folders in Structure - 1120572.2

    Your box could look like this:

    Folders in Structure2 - 1120588.1

  2. Another possibility to display the whole folder structure of your platform could be fixed directly on your platform. Here you would create a new fact coupled with a factinclude. In that case we would recommend to change to the "HTML-Editor", for as you have here the possiblity to specify your input. (for instance: you want to fix how many layers should be displayed)

    That is the tag to be keyed in:
    <factinclude infoID levels="4" display="icon, title, text" foldersonly="1" />
    * infoID - please key in the infoID of "Strukture".
    ** display - what should be shown exactly?
    *** foldersonly describes that, for instance, only folders but no facts will be displayed in this survey.

    Publish your fact and your folder structure could look like this:

Folders in Structure3 - 1120592.1



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Author: Astrid Holzhauser, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 162295.2 (...history); published on 10 Sep. 2007 10:55
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