I've heard that Sergey will bring some organge juce...
I have herd that Sergey will bring some orange juce, i wonder how the party will turn up like when that is served. From wikipedia.org: Vodka is a clear distilled liquor composed of water and ethyl alcohol, made from a fermented substance of either grain, rye, wheat, potatoes, or sugar beet molasses; it also might contain trace amounts of other substances, either a flavour or unintended impurities. Vodka’s alcoholic content usually ranges between 35 to 50 per cent by volume; the standard Russian, Lithuanian, and Polish vodkas are 40 per cent alcohol by volume (80 proof).
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Publiziert von: Max Harnoncourt (maxharn) infoID: 1394094.3 (...historia); Publiziert am 13 Sep. 2011 17:47 Anzahl der Zugriffe auf diese Version: 292071