This button allows you to write in bold letters. Example

This button allows you to write in italic letters. Example

This button allows you do underline text. Example

Strike through
This button allows you to cross words out. Example

This ubtton allows you to make subscript letters. Example

This button allows you to make superscript letters. Example
Delete formatting:
Highlight the piece of text whose formatting you want to delete and click the button.

Font color
Here you can change the font color.

Background color
Here you can change the background color.

Left aligned
Text will be aligned on the left side.

Text will be displayed in the middle.

Right aligned
Text will be aligned on the right side.

This button allows you to produce a numbered list.

This button allows you to produce an unnumbered list.

Left indent
Text will be gradually moved to the left.

Right indent
Text will be gradually moved to the right.
Insert a factlink:
Direct the cursor to the desired position and click the button. You can either insert the infoID directly or conduct a search. In order to do so, insert a keyword of the fact
you want to link. Choose the desired fact from the list by clicking on
it. The infoID of the fact then appears in the position which was
chosen in the beginning eg. "[102073.0]". In the final view of the text
the infoID will be replaced by the title of the fact.
Insert images: Direct the cursor to the desired position and click the button. Choose your image by clicking on it.
Please note that you have to upload an image beforehand (For further information see: Insert images).
Create an external link:
Insert a linkname and highlight it. Click the button. Then enter the
URL of the website you want to link and click on "OK".

This button allows you to insert a line.
Create tables:
Click the button and a little pop-up window will open. Insert the number
of columns and rows. Please note that only Mozilla-Firefox allows you
to add columns or rows later! Finally, indicate whether your table should
have a margin or not.

This button allows you to undo changes.

This button allows you to redo changes.

This button allows you to integrate texts as full text. For further information see chapter "Factinclude".