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Latest Changes

The item 'über factsmatter.net' of type text has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 07 Jan. 2010 08:25.über factsmatter.net15 y.maxharn1389079.507 Jan. 2010 08:25
The item 'rahmenbedingungen für online kommunikation' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:53.rahmenbedingungen für online kommunikation15 y.matchmiller1389034.225 Nov. 2009 10:53
The item 'zu meiner person - max harnoncourt' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:53.zu meiner person - max harnoncourt15 y.matchmiller1389045.625 Nov. 2009 10:53
The item 'Newsletter' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:35.Newsletter15 y.matchmiller1389877.425 Nov. 2009 10:35
The item '#1 zu datensicherheit umgang mit ihren daten' of type comment has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:31.#1 zu datensicherheit umgang mit ihren daten15 y.matchmiller1409681.125 Nov. 2009 10:31
The item 'netiquette' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:12.netiquette15 y.matchmiller1389883.325 Nov. 2009 10:12
The item 'ermöglicht' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:11.ermöglicht15 y.matchmiller1399801.325 Nov. 2009 10:11
The item 'unterstützung beim formulieren' of type text has been modified by user 'matchmiller' on 25 Nov. 2009 10:09.unterstützung beim formulieren15 y.matchmiller1389037.525 Nov. 2009 10:09
A new item 'über: hinführung' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 08 Nov. 2009 18:07.über: hinführung15 y.maxharn1399838.108 Nov. 2009 18:07
A new item 'Über diesen Ordner' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 08 Nov. 2009 18:04.Über diesen Ordner15 y.maxharn1399837.108 Nov. 2009 18:04
The item 'alle schritte inkludiert' of type text has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 29 Oct. 2009 09:24.alle schritte inkludiert15 y.maxharn1394130.329 Oct. 2009 09:24
The item 'technische einstellungen der plattform' of type text has been modified by user 'factline' on 28 Oct. 2009 15:51.technische einstellungen der plattform15 y.factline1389089.228 Oct. 2009 15:51
A new item 'datensicherheit umgang mit ihren daten' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 27 Oct. 2009 16:47.datensicherheit umgang mit ihren daten15 y.maxharn1389881.127 Oct. 2009 16:47
A new item 'Berechtigungsgruppen auf factsmatter.net' of type text has been created by user 'maxharn' on 27 Oct. 2009 10:27.Berechtigungsgruppen auf factsmatter.net15 y.maxharn1389143.127 Oct. 2009 10:27
The item 'Liste der ausgeblendeten facts' of type text has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 27 Oct. 2009 09:39.Liste der ausgeblendeten facts15 y.maxharn1389097.227 Oct. 2009 09:39
A new item 'sonstiges' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 27 Oct. 2009 09:15.sonstiges15 y.maxharn1389078.127 Oct. 2009 09:15
The item 'proCourage (Web Archive Site) Startseite' of type link has been modified by user 'maxharn' on 27 Oct. 2009 08:52.proCourage (Web Archive Site) Startseite15 y.maxharn1389070.227 Oct. 2009 08:52
A new item 'Ausrichtung' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 26 Oct. 2009 17:01.Ausrichtung15 y.maxharn1389015.126 Oct. 2009 17:01
A new item 'Grundsätze' of type Folder has been created by user 'maxharn' on 26 Oct. 2009 17:01.Grundsätze15 y.maxharn1389014.126 Oct. 2009 17:01
A new item 'Wozu factsmatter.net' of type text has been created by user 'factline' on 24 Aug. 2009 16:02.Wozu factsmatter.net15 y.factline1365471.124 Aug. 2009 16:02
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