Salzburg Research
The scientific institution of the federal state Salzburg uses factline Community Server (FCS) for eLearning
projects, internal communication and backoffice.
Since March 2004, FHW (University of Applied Sciences for Economics) has been using factline Community Server as a communication platform for students as well as for lecturers.
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FHIB Eisenstadt
Since 2001, we have intensified our contact with the University of Applied Sciences for "Information & Knowledge Management" in
Eisenstadt: lectures, traineeship, coaching student's projects,...
Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training College
On the occasion of a vocational training course of the Agrarian Teacher and Consultant Training College, the "blended learning" as well as the "self-organised learning communities" approach should be used. factline - with inclusion of teamconsult - was assigned the task of planning, implementing and conducting train-the-trainer courses in autumn 2005.
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Pilot project with a group of students to assist the implementation of the new bachelor programme.
Hernstein Institute
Platform to support vocational training courses for business and management.
Institute for Communication Science at the University of Vienna
The institute uses factline Community Server for tutorials for several hundred students.
Department of Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Univ.-Doz.Dr.sc.oec.Petra Rietsch uses an factline-platform for supporting her students.
visit the platform
A dissertation project at the university of Cologne (faculty of pedagogics) about the didactical potentials of synchronous computer supported communication and its empirical verification.
visit the website
University Duisburg-Essen, Department 3: Literature and linguistics The University of Duisburg-Essen uses the factchat for students and lecturers in various seminars.
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