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Del Fabro customer platform
Based on FCS, a combination of a website and a customer platform; created for the beverage wholesaler Del Fabro. visit the platform
Business cooperations
Slovakia-Austria; economic area Vienna-Bratislava - Aim of these platforms is the realiscation of crosslinking the economy and administrations with the help of cooperations.
Kier Communication Consultants GmbH
kier communication consultants and factline cooperate in the course of the project "AG Gender Communication". visit the platform
NOMAD-theatre deals with the development of contemporary forms of communication and expression. [more...]
POSEIDON - Partnership EU-Project on regional neighbourhood
management with 6 national partners. At first, existing methods and
experiences are exchanged. Subsequently, new developments are
encouraged. [more...]
factline Webservices GmbH
information and share knowledge in the Internet using the factline
platform as a simple and cost efficient infrastructure!.