The information presented below concerns topics and publications
relevant for factline and will most probably be of interest for some
visitors of our website.
- Publications
Guarantee of existence for digital information ( more (only available in German))
This article introduces a concept for guarantees of existence and their significance for distributed, webbased knowledge work. ( PDF 240kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, February 2005
Guarantee of existence as a precondition for networked e-portfolios ( more)
The idea to provide learners with an "e-portfolio" which serves as
an indivdual learning room is considered a significant step towards the
realization of the vision of lifelong learning. ( PDF, 361kB)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, September 2005
"Keys to success for virtual, self-organised learning communities" ( more (only available in German))
This article deals with the phenomenon of self-organised learning
communities and their strategic significance for universities.
Published in: Sammelband zum Workshop GeNeMe Gemeinschaften in Neuen
Medien der TU Dresden, October 2005. ( PDF 207 kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl , Max Harnoncourt, Lotte Krisper-Ullyett, Oktober 2005
New paths in the web ( more (only available in German))
Newly edited version of the article "Neue Wege Netz", published in:
WEIDINGER-MOSER Maria (Hrsg.), Communication goes Europe, Österreich-Brüssel und retour, Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2004. ( PDF 350kB, only available in German)
Paul Meinl, September 2004
Distributed knowledge work" ( more (only available in German))
The significance of distributed knowledge work increases continuously.
The knowledge worker and his ability to solve current problems quickly
are in the center of interest. ( PDF 46 kB (only available in German))
Paul Meinl, Max Harnoncourt, April 2004
Genderspecific barriers of access for internetbased network communication" ( more (only available in German))
Social behavior, which is experienced, perceived and dealt with
differently by men and women, is analysed before the background of
network-oriented, internetbased working processes (eg.
national/international project work, learning environment or working
processes in cross-organisational structures).
Uta Rußmann, Max Harnoncourt, Ursula Seethaler 2005
Referencing as a key to efficient chat (
more (only available in German))
Contribution to the conference on "Chat communication in business, education and media", 8 - 10 May 2003 in Dortmund.
( PDF 385 kB (only available in German))
Max Harnoncourt, Astrid Holzhauser, Paul Meinl, Ursula Seethaler 2005
Can chat be effective? ( more (only available in German))
Article about the usage of chat-technologies in a working environment
Max Harnoncourt, May 2001
"True Online Publishing (
more (only available in German))
True Online Publishing - The idea: Information, published in the Internet, should be referenced and quoted in a a reliable way.
( PDF 20kB, only available in German)
Hella Dietz, April 2001
- Diploma thesis
In her diploma thesis, our employee Astrid Holzhauser analyzes the extent of usage of chat technologies in the business world.
"Online publishing" ( more (only available in German)) Our
employee Sebastian Udulutsch makes a thorough and critical examination
of the concept Online publishing in his diploma thesis. Here you can
read the results of his thesis from June 2002.