Home > Structure > English > FAQ > FAQ users >  I don't want to receive e-mail notifications any more. How do remove this option?
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I don't want to receive e-mail notifications any more. How do remove this option?

The e-mail notification informs you about changes on a certain FCS-platform. If you don't want to be informed in future adhere the following steps:


(1) Open the last received notification.

(2) Click onto "Stop/change notification" at the end of the e-mail.

The login-site of the platform will open in your browser.

(4) Please log in with your username and your password.

(5) Blick onto the radio button in the row:"I don't want to receive notification".

(6) Finally click "save".



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Author: Claudia Kasper; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 1120934.2 (...history); published on 10 Sep. 2007 17:11
Structure  >  English  >  FAQ  >  FAQ users