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E-mail sent to the administrator affirming new registrations (registration-welcome-admin)
In the following you see how an e-mail template is set up in order that you and/or other p-admins can stay informed about new registrations. You can adapt the text of this e-mail as you desire, so long as the command <<username>> is not changed.

Choose in the list of “Recipients”, who should receive the e-mail.

Hello p-admin,

The following new user:
Name: <<firstname>> <<lastname>>
Username: <<username>>
E-Mail: <<email>>
has registered on FCS


<-back to: Create/edit e-mail templates
AutorIn: Astrid Holzhauser; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Publiziert von: Toby Neal (tobiasneal)
factID: 161944.3 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 08 Mai. 2006 10:33
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