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Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) - Version history

- factID Title Date User
182439.16 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 04 Nov. 2010 10:51:16  factline3 - Ivo Marinov
182439.15 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 25 Aug. 2010 12:00:03  factline5 - factline Webservices
182439.14 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 26 Jul. 2010 16:30:29  factline3 - Ivo Marinov
182439.13 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 16 Jul. 2010 12:04:25  factline5 - factline Webservices
182439.12 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 15 Jul. 2010 10:01:18  factline5 - factline Webservices
182439.11 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 13 Jul. 2010 11:11:10  factline5 - factline Webservices
location:  Part II: Create Content 06 Jul. 2010 10:00:13 factline3 - Ivo Marinov
location:  1356192.1 10 Aug. 2009 17:11:32 factline4 - Webservices factline 4
182439.10 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 10 Aug. 2009 17:11:31  factline4 - Webservices factline 4
182439.9 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 25 Nov. 2008 14:09:48  factline6 - factline GmbH
182439.8 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 03 Aug. 2007 09:35:17  dokspace2 - factline Webservices GmbH
182439.7 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 22 Nov. 2006 15:44:26  gamsrieglera - Angela Gamsriegler
182439.6 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 14 Nov. 2006 15:24:10  gamsrieglera - Angela Gamsriegler
182439.5 Extend guarantee of existence (GOE) 22 Sep. 2006 16:54:04  gamsrieglera - Angela Gamsriegler
182439.4 Extending the Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) 08 May 2006 13:06:04  tobiasneal - Toby Neal
182439.3 Extending the Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) 11 Apr. 2006 15:16:33  tobiasneal - Toby Neal
182439.2 Extending the Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) 11 Apr. 2006 15:14:57  tobiasneal - Toby Neal
182439.1 Extending the Guarantee Of Existence (GOE) 02 Feb. 2005 18:40:03  Astrid_H - Astrid Holzhauser