Paul Meinl
Paul Meinl was born on 22 March , 1975 in Vienna. After graduating in 1993 via a matriculation exam in a Grammar School, he studied law at the jurisprudential faculties in Vienna and Salzburg, with one semester abroad in Poitiers, France. In 1999 he finished his studies in Vienna. He varied his study period with numerous travels abroad, lasting up to 5 months. Among other places, he was in Peru three times, learned Spanish in Ecuador and travelled through Nepal, Tibet and the United States.
Since February 2000, Paul Meinl has been responsible for the business area "Content Licensing" as well as for all legal matters.
Appart from his work at factline, Paul coaches a youth team in skiing and takes part in ski races, “as successfully as possible for a Viennese”.
Hornung-Prähauser V., Hilzensauer W., Zwiauer Ch., Meinl P. (2006): From pilots to a joint national ePortfolio strategy in the field of Austrian Higher Educational Institutions. In: Proceedings of the ePortfolio 2006 International Conference in Oxford - UK from 11 to 13 October 2005.
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Blumauer A., Dösinger G., Fundneider T., Harnoncourt M., Meinl P. (2006): Semantic Technologies Showcase - The Austrian Situation. Wien: Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
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Harnoncourt M., Krisper-Ullyett L., Meinl P. (2005): Bestandsgarantie als Voraussetzung für vernetzte E-Portfolios. In: Auer M., Auer U. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning Villach 2005. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
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Harnoncourt M., Krisper-Ullyett L., Meinl P. (2004): Bestandsgarantie für digitale Information und ihre Bedeutung für webbasierende Wissensarbeit. In: Reich S. (Hrsg.), Tagungsband des 1. Österreichischen Symposiums zum Thema Digital Content Engineering - Content-Plattformen in Theorie und Praxis Salzburg. Linz: Trauner.
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Krisper-Ullyett L., Harnoncourt M., Meinl P. (2005): Keys to success for virtual, self-organised learning communities. In: Proceedigns of the conference "Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien (GeNeMe) 2005", Dresden, 6. - 7. October 2005.
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Meinl P., Harnoncourt M., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2005): Guarantee of existence for online information as a precondition for hyperlinked e-portfolios. In: Auer M., Auer U. (Ed.), Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Computer Aided Learning Villach 2005. Kassel: Kassel University Press.
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Meinl P. (2004): New paths in the web. In: Weidinger-Moser M. (Ed.): Communication goes Europe – Wunsch oder Wirklichkeit? Innsbruck: Studienverlag 2004.
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Meinl P., Harnoncourt M. (2004): Distributed knowledge work: environment for smart workers. In: Computerwelt 18-19, p. 27. Vienna: Info Technologie.
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Harnoncourt M., Meinl P., Krisper-Ullyett L. (2004): Guarantee of existence for digital information and its significance for webbased knowledge work. In: Reich S. (Ed.), Tagungsband des 1. Österreichischen Symposiums zum Thema Digital Content Engineering - Content-Plattformen in Theorie und Praxis Salzburg. Linz: Trauner.
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Harnoncourt M., Holzhauser A., Meinl P., Seethaler U. (2003): Referencing as a key to efficient chat. In: Beißwenger M. (Ed.), Chat-Kommunikation in Beruf, Bildung und Medien: Konzepte - Werkzeuge - Anwendungsfelder. Stuttgart: ibidem.
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