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 LOST ...

2 projects



01 - 12 - 2010


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> Working Title <                                     



Yuka Takahashi ( Jap)

> Lost in Politics <



Lerna Babikyan (Tür) & Regina Picker (A) and Guests

working_title_01 - 1536507.1

  Lost_in_Politics - 1536514.1                                                                                              

showing :: of the first results of the >process in between<

and openLaboratory

A performance of the results of an experimental research project 

in between spaces, identities – cultures and words.




In our daily life, 'words' are essential to recognize things and

necessary as a communication tool.

But what is the "word"?
At first thought words can act as symbols to recognize

something as a concrete entity or substance by its name.
But words are more obscure than we think.

Because the process of giving a word meaning is based on

your experience or some special incident or event.
This is very subjective especially if you think about feelings

or dreams. Someone's dream is someone else`s nightmare.
The word is closely related to your identity.

You express your identity with speech and conversely

by speaking you create your own identity


working_title_02 - 1536509.1

Performance/Installation/performative Installation

Turkey in Vienna. Historically defined places,  sites in the pesent time.
What are the frequences – what kind of vibrancy oscillates forward in time?
Who think about it, and what do they think, or does somebody think, at all? Integration?

Türkei in Wien. Geschichtlich besetzte Orte, Schauplätze im Jetzt.
Was sind ihre Frequenzen? Welche Schwingung schwingt mit, nach, vor?
Wer denkt darüber was oder denkt man überhaupt? Integration.

Ein Research-Projekt von Honey&Mood Production.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Labfactory Wien.
Dank an Lena Wicke Aengenheyster.

Production: Honey&Mood

Lerna Babikyan (Istanbul) und Regina Picker (Wien) stehen seit 2009 in künstlerischem Austausch.
Die Distanz und ihre elektronische Überbrückung sind Alltag, Herausforderung und Chance ihrer Zusammenarbeit.
Neben dem stetigen Austausch via mail, skype, phone, sind bisher entstanden "the unbearable lightness of being" ,
ein Performativer Sketch im Rahmen der Coaching Residency der Orkesztika Foundation in Budapest;
"lost in translation" eine Installation und Performance nach einer 2 wöchigen Residency
im Arbeiterquartier E14 in Turin in Zusammenarbeit mit Artis Reiss Performative.

bbalken - 277304.1 bbalken - 277304.1
bbalken - 277304.1

This experimental research project is about the process

of finding a way to create a work based on the reflection
of cultural background and identity on the meaning of words.

concept, performance - Yuka Takahashi

music, sound and technical support - Andreas Wiesbauer


continuing with:
openLAB :: open end 

Thomas J. Jelinek

Sound ambience:

free entry
Eintritt frei


Yuka Takahashi : HATCH7 - 1384187.1


Yuka Takahashi

She was born and raised in Japan.

She is a dancer, choreographer

and certified pilates instructor.
She graduated from Joffrey Ballet School and extend her study at Dance

New Amsterdam and Movement research in New York.
She worked with Ori Flomin, Kriota Willberg, Rachel List, among others.
Recently she moved to Vienna.

She has performed at the Burgenland Tanz Tage

curated by Liz King.







stations in the process of this work in LABfactory


Inbetween - words




previous work:


HATCH  arrow.1 - 245087.2

showed in LABfactory

in September 2009




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