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Upload zip archive
A zip-file allows you to upload several images at once. Please use images in the file formats ".gif", ".jpg" or ".png". Images which are bigger than 1 MB will not be uploaded to the platform. Zip-files which contain more than 50 pictures will be refused by the system.


(1) Click on the "Browse" button next to the field "upload zip archive".

(2) The standard Windows-Explorer window opens.

(3) Navigate to the directory where the zip-file is located.

(4) Click on the file name, and then on "open".

(5) The path is now indicated in the field "upload zip archive".

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Author: Angela Gamsriegler, CK; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (dokspace2)
factID: 260870.3 (...history); published on 03 Aug. 2007 09:22