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Create Information/Integrate Files
Irrespective of the type of information you want to create (text, folder, file, news, new Forum, forum postings, etc.), the process is always alike.
Please switch to the service/folder on your platform, where you would like to create information. Click on the desired icon/link and you will be directed to the entry mask.
infoThe different types of information can be represented by icons (folder: add_folder - 117055.1, text: , file: add_file - 117054.1) or links (add news, add event, etc.).
problemIf you can see neither icons nor links, you don´t have the permission to create information resp. integrate files (-> Permissions). Please ask your platform administrator.
Please fill in all fields of the entry mask. If you need explanations to specific fields, please click on the respective link in the alphabetical list. author copyright date description filedata industry codelanguage permissions shortname text title
infoYou can also insert HMTL-Text in the entrymasks. If you do so, plaese state html_anfangstag - 111073.1 at the beginning and html_endtag - 111075.1 at the end of your insertion to prevent that returns are interpreted as linebreaks and confuse your layout. Tipps&Tricks about formating with HTML you find under Format text in HTML
When all fields are filled in, click "next>>" to proceed (or "cancel" to abort the process). When the process is finished, the system shows you the information as it was saved. At that time it is still only visible to you. Not until the information is published, it can be accessed by the users you permitted to read and/or write.
pfeil proceed to: Publish Information

AutorIn: Hella Dietz; Copyright: factline; Publiziert von: Astrid Holzhauser (AstridH)
infoID: 109565.4 (...Archiv); Publiziert am 29 Jan. 2003 15:40
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